The Bernalillo Town Council reversed the planning commission’s approval of a dispensary painted bright green, citing community concerns regarding historic preservation.

Dispensary Near Me, a cannabis dispensary located at 413 South Camino Del Pueblo in Bernalillo, has been ordered to repaint its building following public complaints. At the May 28 meeting, the town council overturned an earlier decision by the Planning and Zoning Commission that had permitted the dispensary to use a bright green color for its exterior paint. 

The council’s decision came after community members voiced their concerns about the aesthetic impact of the green paint on the historic ambiance of Camino del Pueblo. 

After the variance was approved, Trevor Donaldson, owner of Dispensary Near Me, added color above the building’s portal which was not approved by the planning department, prompting residents Sterling and Margarita Amoit, who were worried about preserving the town’s heritage, to appeal the Planning and Zoning Commission’s approval of a variance request.  

“We are here representing many concerned citizens who have expressed strong feelings about the color change of the building at 413 South,” Margarita Amoit said. “They feel that the color green is disturbing and does not represent the character of main street.” 

The council unanimously sided with maintaining historical integrity, mandating that the dispensary should select a more appropriate color in line with the Mainstreet Overlay Zone’s guidelines.

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According to Stephanie Shumsky, the town’s planning and zoning director, the guidelines for Bernalillo’s Mainstreet Overlay District do not specify a color palette for historic buildings. Although the dispensary is not listed on the state or national register, it is included on a list of buildings the overlay considers historic. Shumsky said buildings in this district are expected to emulate historic structures, which traditionally feature a muted yellowish-tan color.

In a letter to the planning commission, Donaldson argued that the “paradise green” paint color was integral to the company’s brand identity. He emphasized that the color of the building was crucial for brand recognition and he said it adds brightness to the community. 

Rhonda Mitchell, a resident of Bernalillo disagreed, “That building was one of my favorite buildings in the town and so to see that drastic change was shocking to me.” She continued, “Even though we have different colors in our neighborhood, they’re compatible and they complement one another. So I would hope to see this building restored to its previous form.”

At the end of the discussion, the councilors agreed with the residents and voted to approve the appeal. This means Donaldson will need to choose a color that suits the character of the town.

“I got more calls about this one than anything I’ve gotten calls about in a while because it really does not hit on the character of the town that we’ve grown up in and that we all love,” said Mayor Jack Torres.

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